Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pretty Things

I never understood how people can manage to get their ferret to wear collars, especially the ones with bells on them. Now, harnesses I've managed. Pike wears his with no problem. It's a little leather number that seems to have been custom-made for a ferret his size, and I snagged it for a dollar at the flea market. After the initial crocodile-rolls, he decided it wasn't hurting him, so he might as well just grin and bear it. Tikki, my girl, continues to do crocodile rolls and pretzel twists in an effort to get the harness off of her, but settles down after a minute or two. I think this is more due to the fact that she equates harnesses with walks outside, and walks outside aren't exactly a favorite of hers. In fact, she'd just rather sit just inside the door and watch what happens outside. Once she gets out, she manages to lose herself in the backyard and spazzes at least every few minutes because she doesn't realize that all she has to do is come get one of us and she'll be taken home.

Collars, however, have never made it with my two fuzzbutts. Tikki is just too slinky for them; you put the collar on her neck, and next thing you know it's squeezed around her waist like a belt off of a younger sister. Pike takes the collars off the other way; hooking his claws onto the collar, he simply slides it up and over his head, and leaves it where it lands. Neither one of them sees the collar as being something worthy enough to hide. Tikki will carry some collars around for a little while, but this has activity has started dwindling ever since she realized it makes finding her much, much easier for us. Pike will drop the collar and let it lay there on the floor, and he might even stare at it for a moment or two, as if weighing certain options. Almost always, he will find it much simpler to just leave it and go about his business than take it along with him.

There is some secret to getting ferrets to wear collars, there must be, but what it is I can't say. I'm guessing that I just wasn't giving out enough treats all those times we tried.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I love when they scurry around like that

Because we all know that's exactly what they are thinking when they do that. :D

Funny things my ferrets do

Tikki and Pike are just full of craziness. Every day they manage to do something new to make me laugh, or shake my head in amazement. They're funny little critters, and sneaky little devils at times.

Tikki is the hoarder; she'll hide anything she happens to like. TV Remotes, no matter how large, frequently fall victim to her uncanny skills. She will find a way to climb the smooth leather of the couch, jump across nearly two feet of empty air between it and the coffee table, drag the remote out of the holder and knock it onto the ground, and then carry it, held high and proud, to the back of the TV stand, where she will begin to try to pull it inside and behind the radio. Once we spent two weeks looking for one remote only to find it tangled in wires behind the VCR. Nothing will stop her, we can try to block the openings as much as we can, she will find a way around them. She is notorious in the house for putting things in places that have been ferret-proofed ten times over.

Pike is older, and getting to be slow moving and lethargic. Part of it is due to age, the other part is, well, also age related, but he has very low blood sugar and he just can't get the verve to do things much often. Still, he won't pass up the opportunity for food (food? Where? gimme!) and he'll travel through the whole house, stubbornly working at obstacles, to reach the dog's food bowl. And the dog, Maja, who is a senior herself (just hit 13 years), and who will chase down every mouse, rat, squirrel, skunk, and large dog she can see, will stand above him, licking his back and whining as he empties her food bowl.

Together, Pike and Tikki frequently form the Two Head Ferret, which is a devestating form, with the powers of two ferrets combined in one. It is smarter, faster, more agile, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! Thankfully, it only appears during sleep mode, and once sleep mode is done it dissassembles. Who knows what would happen if Two Head Ferret came awake in its true form?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009



And you thought it was just a myth! Boy were you wrong! :D

Carpet shark merchandise is available at the Ferret Insanity Shop! Just look to the right there, and click on the button to see all the wonderful products you can get, all with brand-spanking new original designs!

Ferret Insanity! It's all ferrets, all the time! :D

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Almost A Year...

But I'm back! :D I'm very sorry for the long absence, but I'm hoping to be around regularly from now on, and maybe even get back to my promise of having a ferret picture a day. Because, as it turns out, I can do a lot more with digital work. :3
I'm also hoping to, later on, have some helpful tips, tricks, and information